In the Year 2000 May, 8 Om Medicine store was opened at Samanta Vihar, Bhubaneswar. Gradually in the decade of Time Om Medicine store is converted into OM Pharmacy Retail Pvt. Ltd. in the Year 2008. We have taken a vision to maintain the Pharmacy by the service level & planned set a business vertical by expansion of Organised Pharmacy Retail Chain. Om Pharmacy Pvt. Ltd has expanded its Organised Pharmacy Retail Outlets across Bhubaneswar city with an aim to provide Free Home Delivery Service & gathering all types of medicine for our customers. We have focused to fulfil all the prescription written by Doctor’s from Reputed Hospital, Nursing Home & Clinics as well as to supply all types Medicines to Customers by creating our Ware House to holding the Stock at our premises.
We have also taken the C&F, Distributorship, and Stockist of some products & kept the critical equipments for the requirement of our esteemed customers. We have planned to expand our services to different Corporate Houses & given the corporate Supply to clients Like Reserve Bank of India, NALCO, East Cost Railway, CGHS, Tata Steel, Bedanta Alumina, AIMS, MCL, INS Chillika, Postal Department, Apollo Hospital, Care Hospital etc. We are also providing the Quality service to our customers as Per ISO(9001:2015) Certification: In the Year 2014 we have changed our name & style by Om Healthcare Enterprises Ltd. & expanded the New business verticals Like Om Healthcare Centre (Super Speciality Clinic) & Pathology service having tie up with India’s reputed Pathkind Labs.